Saturday, November 30, 2019


They are the brand new drones spawned from the remnant exterminators triggered by the new remnant endgame event. D Im using stardrive 1. Keep an eye out for blackbox patches that address this. Developer's update May 8, This means that, given 23 ships, the ratio would break down like that. stardrive patch 1.15

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Patch Notes 1.15

Is there any reason for it to lag the game. Endless Effect Endless Space.

Add file RSS Files. As a space bear, human patcch any other race, venture forth into the galaxy, create custom ships, conquer new worlds, build new colonies and defend your very existence against those who would take what is yours. See the thread on the forums.

stardrive patch 1.15

Flak Cannons are now proximity fused. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. Visits 27, 4 today.

Fixed dual photon cannon with help from Tarenty. There are over a hundred ships to use, and each race has their own set of weapons.

The hulls should change very little from Added a tag for Mod files true if you want to remove the original StarDrive races from appearing while your stadrrive is loaded. CrunchyGremlin Mar 18 uploaded blackbox Bitbucket. The sap is rising! Significant buff to stafdrive Disintegrator Cannon ultimate beam weapon in vanilla SD so that it is both superior to earlier beams, and also generally just deadly.

Star Trek: Shattered Alliance mod for StarDrive - Mod DB

Naposledy upravil The Professor ; It takes several minutes until i decide to close the game: Naposledy upravil shogun00blade ; StarDrive - September 25, CrunchyGremlin Mar 12 looks like there is an issue in blackbox that makes the ship tech picking and or building new designs run very poorly with this mod.

It sounds like a complicated programming issue, hopefully Zero and Crunchy can find out what's going wrong.

stardrive patch 1.15

Last Update 4 years ago. All races in, most ships complete, but a few will change in the next version. McShooterz Apr 9 Yes you need 1. Yes it will take a minute or so to load the mod, there is a lot going on behind the scenes. You may have noticed your missiles exploding prematurely and other projectiles disappearing before they reached their target, therefore resulting in misses.

StarDrive v1.15 All No-DVD [Prophet]

This was due to the 'time-out' range of projectiles in the engine being equal to the maximum firing range of that weapon, so your ships fire on inevitably moving enemies at a range that means the projectiles can't travel far enough to hit them.

No files were found matching the criteria specified. The automated freighter system has been patched so that it will no longer assign freighter-class vessels with no cargo capacity to carry cargo.

You may also like. Only registered members can share starerive thoughts. Keep an eye out for blackbox patches that address this.

stardrive patch 1.15

Use Black Box or newer with the mod. State of the Game October 11, Release date Released

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